Healthy Autonomy

Association for Promoting Healthy Autonomy e.V.

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Diana Vasile

Diana L. Vasile

Yes to Life

This workshop is for those who want to make a step forward, using the Method of Intention, to say Yes to their own truth, to their own healthy structures. For those who are dedicated to their own will that can refresh their energy and fulfilment. Yes, you are welcome!

I am like you. I said Yes to life, Yes to develop myself, Yes to go further even when I thought I could not make it, Yes to many methods to heal traumas, Yes to the method of intention that brought me the best results. Now, I am ready to say Yes again to those who accept my guidance towards their health.


Diana Vasile has been practicing trauma psychotherapy for more than 19 years. She earned her PhD studying family traumas, resilience and posttraumatic growth. She is professor, speaker and trainer, teaching and talking about people’s potential and how trauma impacts it and transforms our identity and health. Diana is the co-founder and the president of The Institute for Trauma Study and Treatment in Bucharest, Romania, a leading institution in trauma psychology and psychotherapy. 
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Christine Wong

Christine Foong WongWho am I as a IOPT Therapist?

I feel this question is very fundamental if you are an IOPT Therapist. Ever since I embarked on running an IOPT practice since 7 years ago, I have met many who are having challenges.

Having Pioneered IOPT works & Training in Asia and working closely with Professor Dr. Franz Ruppert, has taught me the importance of self-integrity, the importance of operating in the healthy part. Until  I came to a point of finding out that I was operating from my survival part 5 years ago.

I found out that I was trying to save my mother when I support my clients during their processes, unconsciously projecting my mother on them. When I was young I felt helpless that I cannot save my mother from her sadness. Eventually I went into a burnout state and did a process on it. Thereafter I was clear that I can now consciously choose to do the works for myself. Doing IOPT works then became a joy.

If you resonate with the below:
1. Having difficulty growing your practice, 2. Feeling burnout from practicing, 3. Feeling helpless and triggers during your clients’ process, 4. Having a lack of clarity of what to do next to grow your practice, 5. Not having the number of clients that you are expecting, 6. or just curious of why you want to become a IOPT Therapist

I welcome you to come and explore your intention with me. I will also share my personal journey running my practice and pioneering the works here in Asia.


Christine Wong, Pioneer of IOPT in Asia, IOPT facilitator and trainer, Pioneer of Dr. Franz Ruppert’s Online workshops and trainings, Technical Organiser for the Munich International Conference 2020.