Healthy Autonomy

Association for Promoting Healthy Autonomy e.V.

1. International Conference of Multigenerational Psychotraumatology

Symbiosis and Autonomy

How Constellations Support Healthy Autonomy


26th October 2012, 14.00 h -
28th October 2012, 16.00 h

Munich: Kolping Central Congress Centre

Download of the conference flyer (PDF-file)

Thank You All!

The conference is over. It was a great success!

We thank all of you that were part of wonderfull meeting, discussing, contacting and dancing.

Hope we meet another time, maybe at our next conference 10th to 12th of October 2014 again in Munich.

Franz Ruppert & Birgit Assel

Chairpersons of the Association

Helge Max Jahns is producing an English version of the three keynote lectures at the conference. Please contact

Helge Max Jahns
Tel. 089-80042113
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