Healthy Autonomy

Association for Promoting Healthy Autonomy e.V.

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Andrea Stoffers

Andrea Stoffers

Sexual Glorification of Violence as Trauma Survival Strategy

Glorifying violence in sexuality is a perpetrator attitude that has become a social problem. Nowadays, in Germany, for every freely available pornography on the web, the legalization of prostitution, (and as if that were not enough), sex flat rates are available in brothels, which supports this attitude even more. Sexual violence is legal and normal. The traumatizing effects on children and adolescents are not yet clear, but it is clear that a survival strategy that does not just sanction violence, but even glorifies it, has far-reaching consequences for the victims and the perpetrators. Who am I without violent "sexual permissiveness"? Who am I without acceptance of prostitution and pornography? Prudish? Boring? Stuffy? Not wanted? Not loved? Where are my limits? What do I really want? What did I experience?

A constellation workshop based on the IoPT.

Andrea Stoffers, born in 1963, non-medical practitioner for psychotherapy in private practice, teaching therapist VfP, author, event manager, mother, woman, human. For many years in cooperation with Franz Ruppert (Seminars in Neuss, Supervision, Munich Congresses). 
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Dagmar Strauss *

Dagmar StraussHealthy Self-love as the Basis for a Good Life

In my workshop, we will approach the topic of "development of self-love" in theory and in practice. In recent years I have developed, on the basis of the IoPT, an own "I"-centered, trauma-solving and reconnecting-oriented support process. While the client gradually encounters their inner parts, I am in constant empathic resonance with the inner psychic and neuro-affective condition through verbal reflection, mentalization and psychoeducation. I support and encourage the client, during their "I"-encounter, to open themselves up again to their repressed emotional world, so that compassion can flow to the injured child of the past and self-connection becomes possible. In the resonance-influenced self-oriented identity constellation with the Intention Method, there is the possibility that we encounter our inner psychic dynamics in a 3-dimensional space through the enacting of resonance-giving representatives and thereby encountering ourselves.

Anyone who wants to engage deeper into the ability to love and self-love can find more detailed information under the web link below.


Workshopmaterials can be downloaded here.

Dagmar Strauss
, born born in 1962, three adult sons. Since 1988 alternative practitioner and since 1991 in private practice. Several advanced training courses since 2010 and regular internships in the practice of Prof. Franz Ruppert until 2017, where I was able to accompany the development of the IoPT intensively. Further education in Somatic Experiencing (Peter Levine), NARM (Laurence Heller), Binding Psychotherapy (Karl-Heinz Brisch), Binding Body Psychotherapy (Thomas Harms). Since 2012 regularly leading own groups and since 2017 a 2-year further education in "Identity and I-Development". 
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