Healthy Autonomy

Association for Promoting Healthy Autonomy e.V.

Birth and Trauma

In no time the wish for a dream delivery can end in birth trauma.

Do prenatal differential screenings pathologize natural procedures like pregnancy and delivery?

What happens to pregnant women when, in the grip of modern medicine, they get the message that they cannot handle pregnancy and birth by themselves?

Is hospital delivery perhaps more dangerous than home birth?

What is the importance of midwives nowadays?

In this workshop Birgit Assel und Sabine Schmidseder follow up theses questions and bring in their experience. They want to encourage women to share their experience and introduce a method that allows processing and integration of traumatic pregnancies and deliveries with the constellation of the intentionon the base of bonding and trauma.


birgit_asselBirgit Assel, born 1960, is married, with two children
Diploma Social Pedagogy, since 1998 she ahs had her own institut and since 2007 has based her work on Franz Ruppert's Multigenerational Psychotraumatology,  trauma constellations and the recently developed "constellation of the intention".

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Sabine Schmidseder,
Freelance midwife and systemic kinesiologist, married 2 sons, 26 and 15 years old.
Since 2005 in the development “Mama Coaches“ lecturer in trainings about prenatal psychology and depth psychosomatics.
Lecturing in schools and cooperation with “Aktion Leben“, cycle sex education for girls, healthy pregnancy, birth, puerperal care and life with the newborn, as well as birth preparation- and postnatal exercise courses and birth-coping groups belong to my activities.
Since 2001 continous further training, among others in the constellation method on the basis of attachment and trauma of Prof. Franz Ruppert.


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