Enormous pressure builts up in the relationship when the wish to have own children remains unfulfilled and all natural methods fail.
In vitro fertilization and sperm donation are discussed in specialized clinics often before the couples deal with their mental states concerning their unfullfilled wish for pregnany.
Body and mind are interwoven tightly. Obstacles of different kinds can block the body via inner tension and in this way prevent pregnany. Alternatively, it may happen that we want to fulfill unconscious expectations via the thought of pregnancy and overwhelm the evolving children with ancestral and personal burdens. We expect from the children to provide something that we have never gotten and abuse them with the forced and unnatural pregnancy to fulfill the desires of our unsatisfying lives.
With the method of the constellation of the intention it is possible to research the origin of these obstacles and unconscious expectations. We become able to recognize them and show ways that can lead out of this obstruction, that takes out the tension as well as opens the possibility to freely reconsider the desire to have a child.
In the workshop I present my experiences with this topic. We can make one constellation of the intention.
Annemarie Denk,
Graduated in social science (FH), systemic individual-, couple- and family therapist, health educator, medical studies, hypnotherapy after Milton Erickson, trauma therapy.
Long-standing activity in medical practices (focus: pain management, relaxation, unfulfilled desire to have children, psychooncology) and since 14 years multimodal pain therapy in
Paracelsus Clinic Munich.
Since 2010 application of the constellation of the intention after Prof. Franz Ruppert.
2012 training with Franz Ruppert in multigenerational psycho-traumatology and since continuing to sit in on constellations.
In own practice since 14 years, individual coaching, trauma constellations, groups and seminars.
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