Digestive problems, migrane, backpain, cardiac arrhythmia, blood pressure fluctuation - all these symptoms can lead to unease in a relationship, a way to withdraw from or to rebel against the partner.
Lots of people are afraid of being single and therefore live in relationships. But are they really healthy? Is it possible that these relationships intensify old symptoms or even create new ones? Or that they mirror old themes from childhood?
Our interpersonal skills are shaped by early patterns of our first bonding relationships. Often we repeat with our partner unconscious traumatic experiences from our childhood and reconnect to our trauma-feelings. These feelings are difficult to bear and and manifest in a concealed way in physical symptoms.
As long as the original disorder is not fixed the symptoms remain permanent and appear as disease. The treatment of this kind of disease is far away from its origin. Additionally symptoms are suppressed and benumbed by medication. That explains why success of treatment and healing fail to appear.
In this kind of disease survival mechanisms take effect to keep the trauma away from us. As symptoms they appear to integrate into the personality and the feelings belonging to them freeze. Not before the symptoms are allowed to tell their story and their real background arises and can be experienced, the belonging feelings can be felt. Then healing begins.
In the workshop there is the opportunity for an own trauma constellation.
Evelyn Hähnel
Since 1994 she leads her own naturopathic practice in Munich.
Body therapy according to the Traditional Chinese Medicine,
systemic psychotherapy, yogateacher, nutritional advice.
Since 2000 regular attendance and training in psycho-
traumatological constellation therapy after Prof. Franz Ruppert
Since 2007 heading own trauma constellation seminars.
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