Healthy Autonomy

Association for Promoting Healthy Autonomy e.V.

Christina Freund

I and a Healthy Physical Activity

Physical activities belong to the basic human needs like eating, drinking, sleeping, physical warmth, relationship, sexuality. Therefore physical activity is a precondition for physical and mental health – i.e. to walk, run, jump, climb, turn around, dance, balance, clap one’s hands, throw, stretch, swim, ride the bicycle, climb the stairs and to carry something.

Yet it seems that this, sounding so natural, is not easy. We force our natural physical activity in sport disciplines with their own rules and aims, we move our bodies too little or too much, we thereby feel an exaggerated, ecstatic euphoria or only aversion and torture, we continue despite of pain signals or immediately stop in case of light unease.

- Why do we lose contact with our natural physical activities?
- Why is physical activity becoming sport?
- Why do we have to do sports? Competitive sports? Risky sports? Healthy sports?
- Why is it so difficult to find the right balance?

Traumatic experiences are stored in our bodies and can be activated again by physical activities. If we move our bodies, we encounter our (un)conscious traumatic experiences. This interferes our ability of sensing and the control function of our mind takes over. This has direct and lasting consequences on the body: We cannot or not properly perceive the natural need to move. As a result, we hurt and damage our body.

My workshop deals first with possible relationships between trauma and trauma biography – physical activity/sports - damage/injuries. A follow-up work with “sentence of intention” illustrates this explanations based on an individual case example and opens up a perspective towards a healthy and natural physical movement.


Christina Freund, born 1974, Diplom Social Pedagoge Trauma Pedagoge, since 2009 seminars and individual work in her own practice in Munich. 
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